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Functions, events, and activations only work well when coupled with a consistent digital nurturing campaign. Without a nurturing campaign ROI is low because patrons are not always ready to make an immediate or short term purchasing decision. Sales teams generally do not have the resources for consistent long-term nurturing. We fill the post event long-term nurturing gap to ensure that when the patron is ready to make their buying decision, you are top-of-mind.
Before the function, event, or activation, we ensure there are adequate data collection points for the day, and we collect data that gives us insights into the patrons needs. These steps are key to the success of functions, events, and activations. We fill in the gaps and ensure the initial connection is never lost.
Do you need us to play a support role to fill the gaps? Do you need us to plan and run the entire function, event, or activation? Whatever level of support you need, we can help plan and run a memorable, profitable event.
The below are the top four priorities that most companies and clients we work with need when we start. However, if you already have some of these in place, we will adjust our priorities to suit your objectives. The strategy session will identify where we need to start and what we will focus on at each stage.
We run professional functions, events & activation and use digital tools to keep prospects engaged connected well after the meet and greet.
We plan, run, and ensure datapoints collect the data we need for ongoing nurturing campaigns, so patrons remember you well after the event.
We plan and run memorable activations and follow them up with ongoing campaigns to ensure patron keep you top-of-mind long after the activation.
If done right, digital networking platforms are an excellent source to attract and invite the right target audience to your functions, events, and activation.